
Proof Theory

Proof theory, also called metamathematics, is the study of mathematics and mathematical reasoning (Hofstadter 1989) in a general and abstract sense itself. Instead of studying the objects of a particular mathematical theory, it examines th…

「The difference between “theory” and “practice” is that in theory there is no difference between theory and practice, but in practice, there is.」 by Jan L. A. van de Snepscheut, a professor at Caltech.

tortoisesvn でログが編集できない不具合とその解決法

バージョン管理ソフトウェアに,tortoisesvn を使用している.tortoisesvnはGUIを備えているのでとても便利.ただ今回,Windows の tortoisesvn でログに残すメッセージ部分を編集できないというトラブルに見舞われた.これに対し,以下のページを参考にする…

Haskell コンパイル法

> runhaskell Setup.hs configure > runhaskell Setup.hs build > runhaskell Setup.hs install

Join calculus

Join calculusThe Join-calculus is a process calculus invented by Fournet and Gonthier, as an 'extended subset' of the asynchronous Pi-calculus, making the latter - offering a practically attractive basis for modelling concurrent and distri…