リアルタイムOS における電力アウェアスケジューリング方式 淺野 智之(電子情報システム工学専攻) A Power Aware Scheduling Method for Real-Time OSes Satoshi Asano (Advanced Engineering Faculty of Electronic and Information Systems)Abstract Thi…
Explain why testing can only detect the presence of errors, not their absencehttp://kazasou.files.wordpress.com/2009/03/softengstudyguide2009_rev.pdf
組込みソフトウェアとは?という難しい問題wについて独自の見解を述べている.非常に興味深い. IEEE Software May/June 2009 (vol. 26 no. 3) ISSN: 0740-7459FOCUS 1: Embedded Software Guest Editors' Introduction: Embedded Software ( Christof Ebert…
3.2 Changes in RequirementsThe requirements for a particular system or piece of software typically undergo a considerable amount of change during the course of a project. Changes to requirements may be necessary as a result of changes in t…
Styles of semantics Operational. Meanings for program phrases defined in terms of the steps of computation they can take during program execution. Axiomatic. Meanings for program phrases defined indirectly via the axioms and rules of some …
A trap property is the negation of the original (desired) property for systems. It plays important notion in a techniques of test-cases generation using model checking. The techniques of test-cases generation using model checking consists …
In formal methods in software engineering, "a never claim" represents a property of the system that should never be satisfied during the execution of a model/system.Never claim is considered to be useful notion. Since it is easier to prove…