

How We Test Software at Microsoft® (Developer Best Practices)作者: Alan Page,Ken Johnston,Bj Rollison出版社/メーカー: Microsoft Press発売日: 2008/12/20メディア: ペーパーバック クリック: 9回この商品を含むブログ (5件) を見る



dvipdfmx を使うと、DVIから直接PDFを作成することが出来る。すごく便利。ただ使い方に注意。 以下をプリアンブルに書く \usepackage[dvipdfmx]{color} \usepackage[dvipdfmx]{graphicx} 図の挿入コマンドは以下を使用 \begin{figure}[t] \centering \includ…

complexity of transforming a propositional formula to its CNF

The space complexity of transforming a propositional formula to its CNF is as follows: O(Var(p)*Leng(p)) where Var(p) is the number of variables, and Leng(p) is the length of the p. According to Thierry Boy de la Tour: An Optimality Result…

generating random number in haskell

Haskell でランダム数の発行。 import System.Random main = do g <- getStdGen let ns = take 5 (randomRs (1,20) g) print $ (ns :: [Int]) -- rollDice :: IO Int -- rollDice = getStdRandom (randomR (1,6))

Automated Test Data Generation on the Analyses of Feature Models: A Metamorphic Testing Approach by Sergio Segura, Robert M. Hierons, David Benavides and Antonio Ruiz-Cortes

Automated analysis of feature models

Automated Test Data Generation on the Analyses of Feature Models: A Metamorphic Testing Approach by Sergio Segura, Robert M. Hierons, David Benavides and Antonio Ruiz-Cortes 2.2. Automated analysis of feature modelsThe automated analysis o…

Automated analysis of feature models

Automated Test Data Generation on the Analyses of Feature Models: A Metamorphic Testing Approach by Sergio Segura, Robert M. Hierons, David Benavides and Antonio Ruiz-Cortes 2.2. Automated analysis of feature modelsThe automated analysis o…

Chains and Trees: ‘Strong’–‘Weak’ Order in Job Scheduling by MOSHE DROR A partial order will be denoted by P D .J;P /,where J is the finite ground set of elements and P (or just  if no confusion is possible) is the (precedence) order rel…

Feature Diagrams: A Survey and a Formal Semantics, by Pierre-Yves Schobbens, Patrick Heymans, Jean-Christophe Trigaux feature modelling with excludes and implies.

Term Rewriting System

Term Rewriting System -- from Wolfram MathWorld Term rewriting systems are reduction systems in which rewrite rules apply to terms. Terms are built up from variables and constants using function symbols (or operations). Rules of term rewri…

> screen > NuSMV > # ctrl-a d > screen -r > screen -ls

再帰代数データ型と代数 http://d.hatena.ne.jp/bellbind/20080728/1217264807

what is syntax?

Syntax is a set of rules that govern how words are combined to form phrases and sentences; The formal rules of formulating the statements of a computer language; The study of the structure of phrases, sentences and language

haskell でのコンパイル方法

ghc -main-is Hoge Hoge.hs --make


情報代数 (情報数学講座) 小野 寛晰 (著) 情報科学のための数学的教養のベーシックな本.学部の頃に授業で使った本.当時はこの本の中身は何がなにやらさっぱり良くわからなかったけど,今となってはとても基本的な内容で今でもよく参照します. 情報科学に…

Fuzzy Logic and Feature modelling

Employment Of Fuzzy Logic In Feature Diagrams To Model Variability In Software Families Application of Fuzzy Weighted Feature Diagrams to Model Variability in Software Families Employing Fuzzy Logic in Feature Diagrams to Model Variability…