
combination test tool : pict 使い方

pict pict_sample.txt /o3

Boolean Algebra and Logic Gates

Boolean Algebra and Logic Gates F Hamer, M Lavelle & D McMullanhttp://www.tech.plym.ac.uk/maths/resources/pdflatex/boolean_alg2.pdf

The problem of generating a minimum test set for pair-wise testing is NP-complete

The problem of generating a minimum test set for pair-wise testing is NP-complete.References: An Improved Test Generation Algorithm for Pair-Wise Testing, by Soumen Maity, Amiya Nayak, Marzia Zaman, Nita Bansal, and Alka Srivastava Lei, Y …

Complexity of checking the existence of counter-example at bound k using bounded model checking with SAT

This is a memo of complexity analysis of "checking the existence of counter-example at bound k using bounded model checking with SAT". (And this is different from the complexity of bounded model checking using SAT). In BMC using SAT, model…

Complexify of SAT

SAT: Typical-Case Complexity Sanjit A. Seshia EECS, UC Berkeley

How to do research

Day, R.A. 1983. How to write and publish a scientific paper. 2nd Ed. iSi Press, Philadephia. 181 pp. Smith, R.V. 1984. Graduate research - a guide for students in the sciences. iSi Press, Philadelphia. 182 pp. Strunk, W. Jr, and E.B. White…


夜の来訪者 (岩波文庫 赤294-1)作者: プリーストリー,安藤貞雄出版社/メーカー: 岩波書店発売日: 2007/02/16メディア: 文庫購入: 1人 クリック: 71回この商品を含むブログ (84件) を見るカラスの親指 by rule of CROW’s thumb (講談社文庫)作者: 道尾秀介出…

CoFlo: C、 C++ から Control flow graph を自動生成するツール

CoFlo: C、 C++ から Control flow graph を自動生成するツールを発見。http://coflo.sourceforge.net/wordpress/